Robots going into battle: They are carrying swords and come flooding out of the belley, down a ramp of a huge robot-behemoth who is holding out its arm like an order to attack. The background is in red and orange as if on fire.
Static vs Dynamic Typing. The static typing guy on the left is trying to piece together what looks like a puzzle of a giraffe. Pieces have the typical knobs so putting them together incorrectly is not possible. He is barely making progress, but the corners are in the right place. The dynamic typing guy on the right has the same puzzle but with square pieces that can be put together in arbitrary ways. he has finished his giraffe puzzle and says 'done!' happily (there are however some pieces in his puzzle that don't quite match). the magic of currying when you treat your wife like an AI Die neue Schaukel im BVG Kindergarten I have an AI assistant that helps me with technical interviews grandpa on his death bed: 'I wish to bequeath my extensive fortune... to Linda, while Joe inherits the company. I shall leave the villa to Elizabeth ... and my vimrc to Kevin.' Kevin (doing a 'strike' gesture): 'Yes!' someone is riding a steamroller bending over backwards such that he is steamrolling over his own body. While he is being run over, he is fervently typing on his laptop Stages of Software deployment using a Shipyard as a metaphor: Build/Test, Staging, Deployment and Production Luke (flying his X-Wing) thinking: 'FORTH sounds like it's meant to be called FORCE, but is always being pronounced with a LISP... Six monkeys on an assembly line: Each one is playing with or in some way investigating a yellow cube Don Quixote on Rocinante has arrived at a toll bar with a sign that reads 'Entrada: 8 Marevedies'. In the Background there are windmills the blades of which look like the 'X' Letter/Logo. He says to Sancho Panza, who is riding next to him: 'You know, Sancho? I really can't be bothered. Let's fight something else.' A young family, with mother (Product Manager), father (Developer) and a baby (stakeholder) are in the supermarket pushing a shopping cart. s: 'I want smarties'. p: 'but we already have chocolate'. s: 'but I want smarties'. p: 'but they're not healthy'. s: 'Smarties!'. p: 'but they're expensive'. s: 'wäääääh!!'. p: 'ok. Let's buy Smarties'. d: 'whatever' (adds smarties to the shopping cart) two guys progrmaming. Their heads are pear shaped. One just hit the other over the head with the keyboard such that his glasses are flying
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